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http://www.shadowsource.com/earlskeean A Web site is up to assist U.S. Marine Corps veteran and Bud_Log subscriber Earl Skeean with medical expenses. (Its "Front Page" link is broken but the "Telegram Article" button works.) Monday 23 July 2001 Possible energy-crisis solution for propellorheads to develop follows: Since lightning is DC why not store it in a large capacitor then convert to AC? The conductors would be admittedly large. A cap could be located in each city; for example the Capitol in Warshington could be suitable since on a hill and other than the Library of Congress its purpose now is in the process of being reduced to dalliances with interns, etc. At 1155 Head_Bud was calling his heart out, "Which frequency are you on Bud_Light?" Bud_Light blissfully drove by in the 6-wheeled pickup. Lee and Budette went to lunch at the Whistle Stop. As your editor was paying for the small purchase of a grinder, Villager proprietor Paul Holmberg told a sailor joke with punch line of "every little bit helps." Having a lifetime of experience he can run the cash register and tell joke at same time. Reggie's regular petrol is selling at $1.539 per gallon, pumped by Bud_Getty his own self. At 2:30 your editor pulled a surprise inspection at the IPG site expecting to see steel erected however it's a dynamic place with a multitude of contractors' trucks such that the Facilities Manager's vehicle was observed parked in a ditch. Nevertheless we can be sure that Bud's ox is not in a ditch as former Texas Governor Maw Richards (a Hog rider BTW) quipped about George Bush in 1992. At ~3 PM Bud_Light was heading north to the Registry of Motor Vehicles in Worcester to get proper documentation for the new Kawasaki. Bud will soon be overseeing the HVAC systems via PCAnywhere on his laptop. There was "9-degrees Delta" in the chiller. (Your editor loves to hear high-tech language like that.) Tuesday 24 "He knows nothing and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career." .....George Bernard Shaw Wednesday 25 Charter Cable turned off the TV signal to Oxford at 0002 for some hours halfway thru "Letterman". At 1000 Bud and Jim adjourned to the 200 Sportsmen's Club for target practice with an M-1, handgun and .22 rifle with scope. Bud reported that Jim is a good marksman with all of them. Jim is a veteran of the U.S. Army, you know. A visit was made today by classmate Larry Bedard in a Chevy pickup with hinged-at-front fiberglass tonneau over the bed. The temperature is 90 F for the second day and humid. Dick returned from vacationing in England "where they are paying $5.20 per gallon gas ..... and 82% of that is T A X !" Norm had bad news below on the fate of last week's newborn robins: My baby robins are gone ... eaten, every one. Even the nest is Thursday 26 The temperature today is in high 60's with rain in morning. Roofers commenced work on the neighboring Olney girls' house applying "architectural shingles". Mrs. VVS rammed her shopping cart into that of your editor in the Shaw's Market. There is still no Snapple Classic Lemonade in stock. Head_Bud take note: At 4:18 PM Bud_Light was heard fruitlessly calling HJC; it sounds like another case of ears not ON while mobile. Our Head_Bud proposed that hams provide communications for the Celebration Oxford event on 19 August. Friday 27 Bud_Light went to Park 'n Shop for a fruit basket to present to a hospitalized veteran. Bud_Light submitted a restaurant review: To: k1otw@arrl.netBud laid out this agenda for Sunday morning: To: b.budlight@verizon.net (Bud_Light DSL), bbudlight@charter.net, Saturday 28 Dave Letterman stated that it was so hot that to cool off "president Clinton" got into bed with Hillary. On the subject of moving into the new Harlem office located between a Wendy's and a Hooters, we viewers learned how the Certificate of Impeachment was hung on the office wall, accompanied by a charade indicating nailing. Oh yes, the new desk had to be returned due to insufficient head space. Sunday 29 This morning according to plan the Bud_Repeater's antenna was raised to full height secured by additional guying. Bud_Keg was in attendance having driven Mrs. Keg's new bug.. (It will look even cuter with a Hustler vertical mounted in the center of the roof.) Phyllis was a mystery guest on 448.2 MHz whose identiy was promptly ascertained just as if Dorothy Kilgallon were behind the blindfold (a bit of TV trivia there). Bud and Keg dined inside the New England Pizza (rating = *). There is a new yorkie in town - at 4:14 PM he passed by on a red reel-type leash accompanied by a blond-haired young lady. At 5 PM Buds_Keg and Oscar were able to hear the Bud_'Peater after the trustee/control operator replaced a coax jumper between the repeater and duplexer. This week a new wannabe Bud is up before "The Board": Bud_Buffalo. (This is SOP except in the rare case of Oxford's tree surgeon Bud_Bark who was given a field commission by Bud during an ice storm.) While observing a fellow jumping a truck battery Bud requested Log readers to answer the question of how to test if cables are conducting: a. Use a voltmeter b. Connect cables to battery #2 and see if it works c. Short cable clamps causing a giant spark and possibly destroy alternator diodes d. None of the above .......................... Bud_Repeater = 448.200MHz output, 443.200 input, 114.8Hz PL Secret Freq. = 147.435 Bud_Net = 7.240 +/- QRM @ 1300 Eastern Time Sundays Bud_Web_site = http://members.home.net/k1keg/Budpage/budpage.htm --- The BUD_ROSTER --- Official Bud_aliases in order of appointment: Head_Bud (ex KMG4435) Budette Bud_Light http://members.aol.com/ronfisher1 Bud_Heavy (ex 1W5718) http://home.att.net/~k1otw/otw.html Bud_Ice (resigned) Bud_Keg http://members.home.net/k1keg/keg.htm " http://hometown.aol.com/n1qdw/index.html Bud_Oscar Bud_Classic http://www.wa3key.com/top.html Bud_Bark Unofficial Bud aliases (wannabes) pending meeting of "the board": Budette_Keg http://members.home.net/dtroi57/JanaranFalls.htm Budette_Oscar Bud_On_The_Side (Silent Key ever in memoriam) Bud_No_Show (pending appeal) Bud_Houston Bud_Selectman (Ret.) Bud_Buffalo Bud_associates: G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager) KB1CLP (relative of Jim) KB1EUU " " " K1AOI (ex 1W3439) http://www.ox43m.com K1BEL K1GIS K1JWL K1ODW K1TUU (Tech License lapsed) K1VSG N1BEU (ex 1Q3628) N1EDF N1FCJ N1GKI http://www.selfdefense.8m.com/ N1ROZ N1YUL N1ZCU N1ZSW N3CRP WA1DNZ WA1VVS WA1WPX W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector) KA3EHP W3SON --- The BUD_RESTAURANT_RATING_SYSTEM --- Perfection: ***** Billy's Burg-o-Rama, Carl's Diner, Scales, Colonial Restaurant Very Good: **** Good: *** Periwinkle's, P&D Pizza Below Par: ** Serious Flaws: * Friendly's, New England Pizza --- Incoming mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.803 / Virus Database: 546 - Release Date: 11/30/2004 ![]() |