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Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 11-21-04
Subject: Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 11-21-04
From: "H. Rumsfeld Worthington"
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 04:40:35 -0500
To: Bud_Log Mailing List

                          THE BUD_LOG

Monday 15 November 2004
WPX has 81 wampum points.  Eat your heart out Un Chung!  :)
At the K-mart half of wanted items were found as usual.  The
clerk added a $2.99 "plan" to a flashlight purchase.  Dignitary
Bob McCausland was spotted knocking a stack of tall items onto
the floor in the auto section.  He was asked how come he's making
so much noise.  He is doing very well at age of 81 and stopped
renewing his TV Repair License last year.  Bob himself still gets
his signals from an antenna on roof and watches the 25-year-old
TV little; he is always busy.

Tuesday 16
The Golden Greek in Attawaugan was lunch site today with
classmate Rene Lambert, the fair better-half Jan, sister Cecile
and brother-in-law Armand.  This was followed by the customary
tour.  We never fail to learn a lot at these events.
Pioneer Oil charged Bud $2.03/gallon.
At the Selectmen's Meeting it was unanimously voted to raze the
Allen L. Joslin School.  Your editor started first grade in that
old building so lots of memories.  Before age 6 we sat in our
sandboxes.  This was before a cafeteria.  Young scholars carried
lunch in a sack or box to be eaten while seated on benches in the
"lunch room" at the south end of the basement.  We could purchase
half pints of Woodside Dairy milk in glass bottles with paper
caps cleverly used later to draw clock faces to teach time
telling.  Teachers heated their soup on an electric hot plate in
the "teachers' room".  There were no microwave ovens.  Hector
Pariseau was janitor; he promised to repair at no charge any
window broken by a hitter on the baseball diamond.  In 1960 there
was a major nighttime fire in the Joslin School requiring
rebuilding.  The Olney Girls can testify to double sessions.

Wednesday 17
We now have a female Pratt truckdriver judging by hairdo in a bun
and design features.
Amazon.com ships by 'Airborne' to the Oxford Post Office thence
by regular carrier for rapid service.
The turnkey raker worked even after dark a while under
yardlights.  He is using a high-tech bedsheet this year into
which leaves are raked and dragged to disposal area.

Thursday 18
Tnx to KEY here is a great Shep resource.

Friday 19
Dinner with Uncle Arthur and Auntie Frances was nearly a
Thanksgiving feast even unto stuffing and apple pie with cheddar
cheese slices rated five stars at minimum.  They are updating the
bathroom themselves being members of the Greatest Generation.  As
a matter of fact, when a tank driver Unk crossed the Rhine with
General Patton.

Saturday 20
This evening Phyllis, Grandson Jason and wife Shana dined at the
Longhorn Steakhouse in Millbury after a 1.5-hour wait as
determined by an electronic counter with LED's.  (A dose of
440MHz RF might speed it up.)  All ordered steaks and were
pleased rating five stars plus.  Phyllis stated that her filet
was more tender than that of the Hilltop Steakhouse.  Jay downed
a monster cut.  Steak knives supplied are good large tools.

Sunday 21
While reading newspaper this morning a crow was seen to dislodge
a large hornets' nest from the silver maple.  Upon the ground
he/she ripped it apart with a foot and beak soon locating the
honeycomb section.  With this in beak the bird flew to the roof
probably to dine on the lethargic residents and their food
Before early exit for dinner the Bud_Net was heard in good shape
starring our Head_Bud himself, Bud_Classic and Bud_HDTV.  Those
guys know what they are talking about!
In the auto WPX's headrest had somehow risen to a height suitable
for Kareem Abdul Jabar.  Your editor had to consult the manual
being unable to lower the sumbitch.  It turns out that height of
headrests is controlled by a momentary slide switch located
beside the seat cushion with the other seat controls, logically
enough.  The angle of the rest pad must be manually adjusted
WPX' dinner was a masterpiece of meatballs, Italian sausages, WPX
sauce and spaghetti accompanied by two slices of garlic bread.
Dessert was a double slice of pumpkin pie - soon consumed.

----------------------  TECHNICAL COLUMN  ----------------------

--------------------------  FOR SALE  --------------------------
Yaesu FT-2500H 50W 2-meter xcvr
Uniden HR-2600 10-meter xcvr
Cobra "CB base" HP-27 Homing Pigeon
Concept 2-meter amplifier Concept 220MHz amplifier, 2W in 100W out
Daiwa SWR bridge
Icom speaker
Sears battery charger
World clock
HiGain 10-15-20 vertical, never used
Firestick for 2-meters and 220MHz
Quantity of connectors
Bill N1INW
508 987-6280
Bill (at age of 92) is having a hard time getting to his
apartment on the 2nd floor so must move to Wrinkle City.
Bill added, "I'd like to sell the whole lot - cheap."

Yaesu VX-2R 2M 440MHz dual-band handheld xcvr
Aftermarket stand-alone charger
Two extra batteries
Six months old
Asking $150.
Property of WA1WPX (said a cute little rig)
E-mail wa1wpx@charter.net or OTW

---------------------------  WANTED  ---------------------------
Hallicrafters SX-115, not modified
Lee Cahill WB3CUU MickeyM311@aol.com


    (Use fixed-pitch font to align columns.)

Bud_Repeater   = 443.200MHz input, 448.200 output, 131.8Hz PL
Remote link in
Woonsocket, RI = 146.435, 131.8Hz PL
Callsign       = WB3CUU/R
Hardware       = Motorola R100
Secret Freq.   = 147.435
Bud_Net        =   7.240    +/- QRM @ 1300 Eastern Time Sundays
Bud_Web_site   = http://members.cox.net/k1keg/kegstation.htm

Oxford history = http://www.steverunner.com/Oxfordma.htm

--- The BUD_ROSTER ---
Official Bud_aliases in order of appointment:
Head_Bud WB3CUU/1 (ex KMG4435)
Budette Budette_Keg
Bud_Light KA1SRZ            http://members.aol.com/ronfisher1
Bud_Heavy K1OTW (ex 1W5718) http://k1otw.home.att.net/otw.html
Bud_Ice G0TZD resigned
Bud_Keg K1KEG (ex KAYF8482)
Bud_Oscar W1PA         http://webpages.charter.net/acito/wx/weatherpage.html
Bud_Classic WA3KEY          http://www.wa3key.com/top.html
Bud_Eight K1VSC
Bud_Trician    (field commissioned)
Bud_Not           "        "
Bud_Hansa         "        "
Bud_HDTV W3SON    "        "
Bud_Zone K1VSG    "        "
Bud_Volvo         "        "
Bud_Hop           "        "

Unofficial Bud_aliases (wannabes) pending meeting of "The Board":
Budette_Keg        http://members.cox.net/dtroi57/JanaranFalls.htm
Bud_On_The_Side N1YQC (Silent Key Marty, Sr. ever in memoriam)
Bud_No_Show WA3RXP (pending appeal)
Bud_Houston KD1BX
Bud_Selectman (Ret.)

G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager)
KB1CLP (relative of Jim)
KB1EUU     "     "   "  K1ACA
K1AOI (ex 1W3439)
K1TUU (Tech License lapsed)
K1WGA (World's Greatest Amateur)
N1BEU (ex 1Q3628)
N1EDF                   http://www.n1edf.no-ip.com N1FCJ
N1GKI                   www.freewebs.com/n1gki
N1ROZ  449.750 MHz minus with 131.8 PL
W1COU (Marty, Jr.)
W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector) (Requested inactive status)

Perfection:     *****       Billy's Burg-o-Rama
                           Carl's Diner
                           Scales Seafood & Ice Cream, Millbury
                           Colonial Restaurant, Webster
                           Twin Oaks, Sterling
                           Wright's Chicken Farm, Nasonville, RI
                           Ronnie's Clam Shack, Auburn/Charlton
                           O'Connors Restaurant, Worcester
                           Bugaboo Creek, Shrewsbury
                           Weintraub's Delicatessen, Worcester
                           Outback Steakhouse, Auburn
                           The Coffee Hop
                           Michael's Place, Webster
                           The Outpost (clamshack) Thompson, CT                            Longhorn Steakhouse, Millbury
Very Good:      ****        P&D Pizza
                           Chowder Bowl, Webster
                           East Main Street Cafe, Webster
                           The Whistle Stop
                           Ethan's Pizza, Webster
                           Skip's Restaurant, Chelmsford
                           Pizza Post
                           Hot Dog Annie's, Leicester
Good:           ***         Periwinkle's, Auburn
                           Friendly's, Webster
                           New England Pizza
Below Par:      **          Subway
Serious Flaws:  *

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