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Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 05-29-05
Subject: Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 05-29-05
From: "H. Rumsfeld Worthington"
Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 01:12:41 -0400
To: Bud_Log Mailing List

                          THE BUD_LOG

Monday 23 May 2005
BP was 102/54.  Dr. Guarnieriani was an hour late getting to the
office due to being detained at HRH.  Your editor was given the
option of rescheduling or waiting.  Since the right ear required
unblocking, reading a PC Magazine continued.  Normal hearing and
sensation were promptly restored but what was ejected might gag a
nurse.  Kathie Lee still cannot get her colorful computers on the
Internet and she denied having time to surf anyhow.
Bud_Not has updated the ratings list:

To: k1otw@arrl.net
Subject: Re: Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 05-22-05
From: Eskee212@aol.com
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 10:50:08 -0400 (EDT)

         Please scratch "The  Outpost Restaurant" in Thompson, CT from the ratings list.

The owners Richard & Brigid Gore ( a retired State Trooper) have  been offered another business enterprise and have decided they simply could not  handle both. Brigid's Mom & Dad have owned "Mrs. Macks Eatery " @ Rt. 20 &  Grafton St. since the beginning of time, and are retiring. Rich & Brig  are remodeling presently, and will announce an opening sometime in the near  future. We'll be sure to send in some phantom diners for an evaluation.
                   Thanx, Bud Not

Tuesday 24
(See DSC00069B.JPG, DSC00078B.JPG)
Jay N1GKI was in position on Castle Island in South Boston to
watch the USS John F. Kennedy sailing out of Boston Harbor.   He
stated that her hull has been dented by tugs.
Time wise your editor was surprised to read that she was launched
in 1967 and is about to be decommissioned already.
Here is Bud_Light's report on the Myrtle Beach vacation:

From: Ronfisher1@aol.com
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 23:18:42 -0400 (EDT)

Eric was also included,my bike was on the left side,Eric's was on the right  and Jrs was up in the front.
We had a great time but I only got to ride a couple times as I threw  my back out while playing miniature golf after a family birthday party.

We did run into Keg and his crew while there.


Wednesday 25
Dank weather continues due to a nor'easter.  The only semblance
of sun was the bright yellow HVAC guys' truck parked at the Olney
Girls' "house of the six gables".
GKI reports that the Ye Olde English Fish and Chips in Woonsocket
was not so hot so was rated at three stars.  A written review was
not deemed fitting.
Evening TV news reports that a 911 call to Hopkinton police
failed to display the street address.  A Verizon spokesman is
testifying that this happens in <1% of Enhanced 911 calls.  Your
editor can verify that it does rarely happen with Caller ID -
nothing there.  The point was that a woman with asthma was unable
to speak to give location so sadly died in her distress.
(Here at otw if one does not display a name and number one is
considered like unto a person with a bag on head standing on
porch so is not answered.  An exception is made for wireless
callers who cannot display name.)

Thursday 26
Grandson Jason trimmed the front claws of Precious using a
standard fingernail clipper.  When Precious hops up on WPX the
legs were taking a beating.

Friday 27
We enjoyed a fine day in Oxford.  Grass has grown high in the
"Rains of Ranchipur" (description borrowed from Bud_Suesala).
Mr. Ray took Phyllis to purchase memorial flowers and planted
them himself.  What a good guy!
At 9 PM a good thunderstorm passed by as the weather guy on Ch.3
was saying that we could see one tomorrow but "not tonight".

Saturday 28
The OTW lawn was mown today.
The Bud_Log regrets that Jay (N1GKI) & Shana have lost their
beloved family pet.

Our very very dear precious Mr. Kitty Corriveau has passed on tonight.

Shana and I, Slater, Rocco and Bun-Bun are well and stayed near Mr. Kitty
all night.  He is resting comfortably with his brother Abernathy on the hill
at 16 Dragon Road.

God Bless my dear Mr. Kitty.

Sunday 29
At 1000 Bud & Budette came along and observed the Havahart trap
with both doors closed and bait gone.  The chipmunk is no doubt
laughing at the erstwhile trapper.  Being high tech Bud suggested
setting up a video camera to analyze the escapes.  A veteran of
the U.S. Navy, Bud will be marching with the Oxford veterans'
contingent in the Memorial Day Parade tmw.  No doubt Bud_Mascot
will be in attendance.
WB3CUU/1 and WA3KEY carried-on the Bud_Net today.
WPX' dinner was served at 1500 consisting of spaghetti with her
wonderful meat sauce (heavy on the meat) and broiled Purdue
chicken plus tasty garlic bread following a substantial salad
topped with feta cheese.  'Strings' were even removed from the
celery.  WPX is so cultured that OTW does not even belong there.
(WPX eats escargot, you know.) 1.5 glasses of 1% milk were drunk.
Dessert was a devil's food cake with white frosting gayly
decorated with midget U.S. flags and patriotic colors of more
During the Indy 500 a brief shot was seen of David Letterman in
the pits being part owner of the Rahal-Letterman team.  A
23-year-old female driver on that team took 4th place.  The YL
lived 4 miles from the 'Brickyard' and was driving go carts at
the age of 3.

----------------------  TECHNICAL COLUMN  ----------------------

--------------------------  FOR SALE  --------------------------
Yaesu VX-2R 2M 440MHz dual-band handheld transceiver
Wide-band receiver including public service
NC-85B AC charger/power supply (6VDC @ 500mA)
Aftermarket stand-alone charger with AC and 12VDC lighter inputs
Two extra batteries
One year old
Asking $125.
Property of WA1WPX (said a cute little rig)
E-mail wa1wpx@charter.net or OTW

---------------------------  WANTED  ---------------------------
Hallicrafters SX-115, not modified
Lee Cahill WB3CUU MickeyM311@aol.com


    (Use fixed-pitch font to align columns.)

Bud_Repeater   = 443.200MHz input, 448.200 output, 131.8Hz PL
Remote link in
Woonsocket, RI = 146.435, 131.8Hz PL
Callsign       = WB3CUU/R
Hardware       = Motorola R100
Secret Freq.   = 147.435
Bud_Net        =   7.240    +/- QRM @ 1300 Eastern Time Sundays
Bud_Web_site   = http://members.cox.net/k1keg/kegstation.htm

Oxford history = http://www.steverunner.com/Oxfordma.htm

--- The BUD_ROSTER ---
Official Bud_aliases in order of appointment:
Head_Bud WB3CUU/1 (ex KMG4435)
Budette Budette_Keg
Bud_Light KA1SRZ            http://members.aol.com/ronfisher1
Bud_Heavy K1OTW (ex1W5718)
Bud_Ice G0TZD resigned
Bud_Keg K1KEG (ex KAYF8482)
Bud_Oscar W1PA
Bud_Classic WA3KEY          http://www.wa3key.com/top.html
Bud_Eight K1VSC
Bud_Trician    (field commissioned)
Bud_Not           "        "
Bud_Hansa         "        "
Bud_HDTV W3SON    "        "
Bud_Zone K1VSG    "        "
Bud_Volvo         "        "
Bud_Hop           "        "
Bud_Mascot (youngest Bud at <1 year of age)

Unofficial Bud_aliases (wannabes) pending meeting of "The Board":
Bud_On_The_Side N1YQC (Silent Key Marty, Sr. ever in memoriam)
Bud_No_Show WA3RXP (pending appeal)
Bud_Houston KD1BX
Bud_Selectman (Ret.)

G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager)
KB1CLP (relative of Jim)
KB1EUU     "     "   "  K1ACA
K1AOI (ex 1W3439)
K1TUU (Tech License lapsed)
K1WGA (World's Greatest Amateur)
N1BEU (ex 1Q3628)
N1EDF                   http://n1edf.no-ip.com N1FCJ
N1GKI                   www.freewebs.com/n1gki
N1ROZ  449.750 MHz minus with 131.8 PL
W1COU (Marty, Jr.)
W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector) (Requested inactive status)

Perfection:     *****       Billy's Burg-o-Rama
                           Carl's Diner
                           Scales Seafood & Ice Cream, Millbury
                           Colonial Restaurant, Webster
                           Twin Oaks, Sterling
                           Wright's Chicken Farm, Nasonville, RI
                           Ronnie's Clam Shack, Auburn/Charlton
                           O'Connors Restaurant, Worcester
                           Bugaboo Creek, Shrewsbury
                           Weintraub's Delicatessen, Worcester
                           Outback Steakhouse, Auburn
                           Michael's Place, Webster
                           Longhorn Steakhouse, Millbury
                           The Publick House
                           Firehouse Pub & Restaurant, Webster
                           Rom's Restaurant, Sturbridge
Very Good:      ****        P&D Pizza
                           Chowder Bowl, Webster
                           East Main Street Cafe, Webster
                           The Whistle Stop
                           Ethan's Pizza, Webster
                           Skip's Restaurant, Chelmsford
                           Pizza Post
                           Hot Dog Annie's, Leicester
Good:           ***         Periwinkle's, Auburn
                           Friendly's, Webster
                           New England Pizza
                           The Coffee Hop
Below Par:      **          Subway
Serious Flaws:  *

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