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Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 05-13-01
Subject: Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 05-13-01
From: "H. R. Worthington"
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 07:35:31 -0500
To: "The Bud_Log Subscribers List"

                          THE BUD_LOG

Monday 7 May 2001
At 1000 otw was at Dr. Guarnieriani appointment where B.P. =
128/70.  A 2nd "lifetime" pneumonia vaccine shot was
administered.  Kathie Lee was hauling boxes of files and
telephones were jangling.
The Oxford Town Meeting was called off after the second failure
to count a quorum of voters in attendance despite the enticement
of Mrs. Bourbeau's home-baked cookies.  (Needed here to attract
attention is another "brilliant" concept such as the Cat
Licensing Law.)

Tuesday 8 May
Head_Bud neither confirmed nor denied that he is working on W's
Star Wars components. 
Wednesday 9 May
Raking was FINISHED today, wheelbarrow parked in the cellar and
birdbath cleaned with brass brush/whitewall zoomp so is ready for
customers, ill-mannered as they are.
Florida butter & sugar sweet corn from the Park n' Shop was very

Thursday 10 May
0804, Bud_Light = home from the dog hairdresser.
Chicken croquettes (with help from Howard Johnson) being an OTW
favorite was dinner.
Head_Bud informed the Log that Bud_Daughter Sue is taking
delivery of a new Toyota today.

Friday 11 May
The Allis-Chalmers mower deck was re-assembled today.
The KEY HF vertical antenna was forwarded from storage in
Bud_Light's garage to Jim's budding ham.

Saturday 12 May
Bud_contratulations go to Tracy and Bud_Oscar to be married today
in Kennebunkport!
Bud_Oscar is the loudest snorer on Field Day whose tent was once
dragged off some distance from other sleepers.
Bud_Light and the Mrs. Elizabeth's first vacation of 2001 begins
today with a flight to Myrtle Beach.  The USPS can be proud:
anticipating that three packages would not be delivered before
the vacation began they were shipped to Fremont Street however
all arrived by Friday via (word means "by way of" for those
voters in West Palm Beach) Priority Mail.
Jim KD1BX and his new ham KB1EUU Joe were heard heading to HRO in
New Hampshire (the candy store) where Jim purchased an iambic
Tom Snyder is 65 years old today.  On his Web site it was learned
that his Social Security benefit will be $1,507 monthly after
lifetime contributions of $185,000 by him and his employers.  (It
must be nice to be in such financial position to belittle this
amount as a pittance!)
The A-C mower deck was mounted on the tractor and test run made
as a thunderstorm approached.  Altho the two outer blades are now
turning at 3/4 of the center blade's RPM the cut surface looked
The gusty winds pulled the TV cable hook from the OTW Estate.
The hook appears to have been screwed into only a clapboard.  For
the record, the adjacent original telephone hook has not failed
since 1920 as far as is known..
The storm downed a few trees requiring mobilization of Oxford's
tree surgeon Bud_Bark.
Head_Bud is in tough shape for a while due to rebuilding of the
Dunkin' Donuts like the legendary phoenix.
http://www.petoftheday.com This site may be interest to pet lovers.

Sunday 13 May
A small crisis was averted when Budette's modem "took a Leroy" -
and on Mother's Day too.  With computer guru Bud_Light on
vacation Bud went to Wal*Mart for a replacement product which
saved the day.  When asked if he intends to subscribe to Charter
Cable's broadband service the response might be represented as
Jim took "the bride" to a 5-star chicken barbecue at the Legion
Hall and then was heading to the Home Depot for flowers.
The Bud_Net starred WB3CUU/1, WA3KEY, WA3RXP and KD1BX with your
editor monitoring as much as possible in an S-9 noise level.
Dick W3SON was said to be traveling in Colorado when heard on
yesterday's All_Deans Net.  BTW, your Head_Bud is an honorary
Norm sent up the attached photo of his neighbor's new livestock
out for a stroll in the squad formation down a nice quiet country
If you were listening to the Bud_net, you heard that my neighbor
just got four head of cattle yesterday and they escaped.  The
IDIOT who blew his horn at them on the road caused them to
scatter ... three went home, the fourth is still missing.  The
attached photo I've named beefwalk.jpg.  After taking the photo I
called out to them in their own language whereupon two of the
four broke formation to look back.  I was about 500 feet away at
the time.  The photo was taken in higher resolution and then
cropped.  That works better than a telephoto lens any day.


Bud_Repeater = 448.200MHz output, 443.200 input, 114.8Hz PL
Secret Freq. = 147.435
Bud_Net      =   7.240    +/- QRM @ 1300 Eastern Time Sundays   Bud_Web_site = http://members.home.net/k1keg/Budpage/budpage.htm
--- The BUD_ROSTER ---
Official Bud_aliases in order of appointment:
Head_Bud  (ex KMG4435)
Budette Bud_Light               http://members.aol.com/ronfisher1
Bud_Heavy (ex 1W5718)   http://home.att.net/~k1otw/otw.html
Bud_Ice   (resigned)
Bud_Keg                 http://members.home.net/k1keg/keg.htm
 "                     http://hometown.aol.com/n1qdw/index.html
Bud_Classic             http://www.wa3key.com/top.html

Unofficial Bud aliases (wannabes) pending meeting of "the board":
Bud_No_Show (pending appeal)
Bud_Selectman (pager 508 806-3558)

G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager)
KB1CLP (relative of Jim)
KB1EUU     "     "   "  K1AOI (ex 1W3439)       http://www.ox43m.com
K1TUU (Tech License lapsed)
N1BEU (ex 1Q3628)
N1GKI                   http://www.selfdefense.8m.com/
W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector)

Perfection:     *****           Billy's, Carl's Diner, Scales
Very Good:      ****            Good:           ***             Periwinkle's
Below Par:      **
Serious Flaws:  *               Friendly's, New England Pizza