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![]() ![]() 05-20-2001
Monday 14 May 2001 Your editor made his first visit to the Price Chopper which is rather a nuthouse with stockers guiding electric forklifts equipped with horns. Tuesday 15 May Today is Election Day in the Town of Oxford, Established 1713. One UPS package arrived for Bud_Light. Wednesday 16 May Jim and Bud were heard at the Webster Five ATM. Two Priority Mail packages arrived for Bud_Light. WPX had digital TV cable installed with three new boxes and 901 channels which she was demonstrating with a new long remote control. One channel is rap. Our Bud_Selectman has graciously retired after saying a final "goodnight Gracie" and publicly turned-in the Town beeper to Longtie. Without debate Bud and Bud_light were unanimously re-appointed as Oxford Civil Defense police restricted to recreation areas (in the event that citizens are picnicking during war???). No postcard from Bud_Light yet.. Thursday 17 May Happy birthday to Bud_KEG! Our Head_Bud must have had a hard day since he stated, "I wish I had a job at McDonald's." Furthermore Bud's Dunkin' Donuts shop is down for renovations or something. The USA's first lowercase president Blythe-Clinton was egged in Warsaw. Friday 18 May According to "The Shopper" the 20-screen-theater sign has been erected on the site of the former Ray Farm. (Your editor still would not hold breath waiting to buy tickets.) Saturday 19 May The OTW lawn was mowed aboard the Allis-Chalmers B-207 which ran fine in dusty cndx. (During last year's setback we recall that some laughed at the classic marque because of its age. Being a good ol' American product you know that something is running and the swivel joint in the center of the frame makes for an interesting ride which you won't get on a John Deere!) No postcard nor other means of communication has been received by the Bud_Log commemorating Bud_Light's vacation. This is understandable but even Marty got zilch. For good luck Norm sent up the attached image FOURLEAF.JPG which rare clover was not easy to find. Now there is dedication to locate and forward this to the Bud_Log. Sunday 20 May The Bud_Net was plagued by RF noise in the center of Oxford but was carried on by WB3CUU/1 using the Ten-Tek's noise blanker with WA3KEY and N3CRP in the Keystone State. Jim's computer began turning itself OFF so he purchased a new Compaq 766MHz on sale. Bud reported that the IPG cooling tower is returning 58-degree water to the building so was pleased. Now a "particle counter" is to be added to deal with "3 microns". Your editor loves to hear people speak high tech like that. It was learned that the particle guy at Insmell was dubbed "Particle Pat". At ~2300 Bud_Light popped up on Instant Messenger so is back from vacation. Check out MVC-015S.JPG to see a funny-looking Hog in Myrtle Beach. .......................... Bud_Repeater = 448.200MHz output, 443.200 input, 114.8Hz PL Secret Freq. = 147.435 Bud_Net = 7.240 +/- QRM @ 1300 Eastern Time Sundays Bud_Web_site = http://members.home.net/k1keg/Budpage/budpage.htm --- The BUD_ROSTER --- Official Bud_aliases in order of appointment: Head_Bud (ex KMG4435) Budette Bud_Light http://members.aol.com/ronfisher1 Bud_Heavy (ex 1W5718) http://home.att.net/~k1otw/otw.html Bud_Ice (resigned) Bud_Keg http://members.home.net/k1keg/keg.htm " http://hometown.aol.com/n1qdw/index.html Bud_Oscar Bud_Classic http://www.wa3key.com/top.html Bud_Bark Unofficial Bud aliases (wannabes) pending meeting of "the board": Budette_Keg Budette_Oscar Bud_On_The_Side Bud_No_Show (pending appeal) Bud_Houston Bud_Selectman (Ret.) Bud_associates: G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager) KB1CLP (relative of Jim) KB1EUU " " " K1AOI (ex 1W3439) http://www.ox43m.com K1BEL K1GIS K1JWL K1ODW K1TUU (Tech License lapsed) K1VSG N1BEU (ex 1Q3628) N1GKI http://www.selfdefense.8m.com/ N1ROZ N1ZCU N1ZSW N3CRP WA1DNZ WA1VVS WA1WPX W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector) KA3EHP W3SON --- The BUD_RESTAURANT_RATING_SYSTEM --- Perfection: ***** Billy's, Carl's Diner, Scales Very Good: **** Good: *** Periwinkle's Below Par: ** Serious Flaws: * Friendly's, New England Pizza Show me a young man who is a conservative and I'll show you a man with no heart. Show me an old man who is a liberal and I'll show you a man with no brain. .....Winston Churchill ![]() ![]() |