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Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 05-27-01
Subject: Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 05-27-01
From: "H. R. Worthington"
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 06:52:52 -0500
To: "The Bud_Log Subscribers List"

                          THE BUD_LOG

Monday 21 May 2001
Memorial flowers were planted by otw in North Cemetery where our
tax dollars can be seen at work in the new school looming over
the departed.

Tuesday 22 May
Marty checked into Hubbard Hospital to restore his yodel similar
to Frank Sinatra.
Bud is on the case of the home solarium for the "Big Guy".
AOL is operating so efficiently that it raised its price to
$23.90 including advertising.

Wednesday 23 May
Much-needed rain is falling for the second day.
Two (2) 75-watt bulbs in separate fixtures blew out as soon as
switched on within seconds today.

Thursday 24 May
At 0938 Senator Benedict Jeffords of VT changed party label from
(R) to (I).
OTW was invited to dinner at home of Uncle Arthur and Aunt
Frances which was outstanding as usual.

Friday 25 May
Head_Bud ate lunch with the 1st Sgt and Mums and an electrician
at Billy's where wallpaper was discussed.
"Big Ed" Racicot and Joan the Mrs. were met in the Shaw's Market.

Saturday 26 May
At 1925 we experienced a power failure in much of the Town.  Bud
thought it was one of Dick Cheney's rolling blackouts.  Budette
learned that the OPD was not interested in reporting it
so she called MA Electric and was put into a 35-minute queue on
heer speaker phone.  When finally answered Bud was told that a
high-voltage transformer kicked up.  Even Phyllis WA1WPX, a
genuine Custom House ham, came on the air for a rare appearance.
Bud passed the Legion Hall where it looked like customers were
leaving.  What's the scoop on the hand pumps - gone?  Juice was
restored in one hour.  Balancing the checkbook by flashlight your
editor can assure you subscribers out there that we would not
want to return to the days of the pioneers.
Jim's tendon is on the mend and he can pull a trigger again
(disabling injury for a postal worker you know).
For dinner your Head_Bud ate seafood trio so there was a frog
event reported.  Poor Budette!!!
Bud_KEG has submitted a rating inbued with social commentary:

Went to the Assebet High School for lunch at the culinary arts dept on
Friday 5/25.
The meal was.......

Prime rib with a bone I'd say about 20oz with roasted potatos and steamed
veggies........$5.95......I'd have to rate it a 4 star! It would have got a
5 star
if the server didn't have pink and green hair and ear rings on her lip and
brow!!!!!food was magnificent!!!!!


ps 29 days till Florida again

Sunday 27 May
We have rain this morning in Oxford.
The Rolling Thunder Rally is underway in Warshington in the large
Pentagon parking lot.
WPX' 5-star dinner was tasty prime rib, oven fries, broccoli in
cheese sauce even George Bush #41 might like, yellow string beans
and rolls.  Marty's dogs now have two frozen bones in stock.


Bud_Repeater = 448.200MHz output, 443.200 input, 114.8Hz PL
Secret Freq. = 147.435
Bud_Net      =   7.240    +/- QRM @ 1300 Eastern Time Sundays   Bud_Web_site = http://members.home.net/k1keg/Budpage/budpage.htm
--- The BUD_ROSTER ---
Official Bud_aliases in order of appointment:
Head_Bud  (ex KMG4435)
Budette Bud_Light               http://members.aol.com/ronfisher1
Bud_Heavy (ex 1W5718)   http://home.att.net/~k1otw/otw.html
Bud_Ice   (resigned)
Bud_Keg                 http://members.home.net/k1keg/keg.htm
 "                     http://hometown.aol.com/n1qdw/index.html
Bud_Classic             http://www.wa3key.com/top.html

Unofficial Bud aliases (wannabes) pending meeting of "the board":
Bud_No_Show (pending appeal)
Bud_Selectman (Ret.)

G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager)
KB1CLP (relative of Jim)
KB1EUU     "     "   "  K1AOI (ex 1W3439)       http://www.ox43m.com
K1TUU (Tech License lapsed)
N1BEU (ex 1Q3628)
N1GKI                   http://www.selfdefense.8m.com/
W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector)

Perfection:     *****           Billy's, Carl's Diner, Scales
Very Good:      ****            Good:           ***             Periwinkle's
Below Par:      **
Serious Flaws:  *               Friendly's, New England Pizza