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Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 06-10-01
Subject: Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 06-10-01
From: "H. R. Worthington"
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 04:05:36 -0500
To: "The Bud_Log Subscribers List"

                          THE BUD_LOG

Monday 4 June 2001
Bud_Houston take note pse!
Head_Bud told a joke:
Why do they fly the flag at half mast until noon at the Post
Office?  It means "Help Wanted".

Tuesday 5th
At ~1000 Bud reported a stopped turtle in the IPG driveway with a
damaged eye thought to be from a fight.  There was speculation if
a snapper or not (did not test reaction to a twig).  Using our
Head_Bud's always-present, 25-foot steel tape measure the
critter's shell was "eyeballed" at 19 inches in length.  The neck
diameter was between that of a hotdog and a sausage.  A smaller
box turtle was boosted since unable to climb a new berm.  The OTW
family of chipmunks now numbers at least 3, sitting on the front
stoop laughing at the ~dozen tunnels undermining the old
foundation.                                               P&D Pizza's large pepperoni and large antipasto were given a
preliminary test.  A gentleman with the air of a proprietor
made note of the fact that otw asked for #74 when that order was
actually #82 (according to the proprietor).
Bud_Executive_Officer Bud_Light Fisher published an alert today
advising that Bud Field Day 2001 is to be held on June 23-24 on
Fort Hill in Oxford.  Bunks in the Bud_Winnebago have been
reserved by the cadre so other Buds are to supply our own
shelter.  As usual animals and smoking are allowed..

Wednesday 6
Adaptec (now Roxio) "Easy" CD Creator and DirectCD are running
and somewhat understood now.

Thursday 7
Mrs. Skeen at the Webster Five Savings Bank called stating that
the $20 fee for -76 cents insufficient funds has been reversed by
her manager since otw is a "first offender" indicating that the
bank still has mercy on a customer.  To my question she added
that being a mutual bank it intends to remain independent even
tho it is growing.
Our Head_Bud rode by and advised your editor to "get a goat"
(learned from JWL).  Those who mow too often never get to enjoy
the May flowers and wild buttercups as he in turn was advised.
The otw lawn was mowed in temperature of 79 degrees and it's
getting dusty again.  No insect bites were sustained.  Chipmunks
and brown mouse-like rodents in the grass were scurrying.
Myrtle's memorial geranium was found cast out of its bed (by a
squirrel probably) at the base of the spare hard-maple sapling
and was restored to position.

Friday 8
A Bud_Poll by e-mail indicated that those voters who maintain
that Algore won will still accept W's $300-$600 tax rebate even
tho it is the fruit of "a risky scheme" as fearmonger Gore warned
us citizens.
Attached is BIKERBUD.JPG: a picture of Evel Bud_Knievel, Fearless
Bikie (name coined by Bud_Light Fisher).

Saturday 9
OTW sister Carol and niece Kristen visited with a McFlurry which
is soft vanilla ice cream with an Oreo cookie ground into it.  It
was accompanied by a high-tech plastic spoon with hollow, square
handle and a hook at the top (above the OTW pay grade so will ask
our Head_Bud for the scoop).

Sunday 10
WB3CUU/1 was the only station heard well on the weekly Bud_Net
however it was deduced even without detective's training that
WA3KEY, WA3RXP and W3SON were on the air also.  Bud signed out to
return to work on the family swimming pool.  "When you hear Bud,
you've heard it all!"
At the WPX Estate well-fed kitty "Precious" (see PRECIOUS.JPG)
was petted lying on wood chips under her favorite conifer bush.
A neighbor at full throttle on a riding mower was raising a dust
cloud resembling that of the late 26th Yankee Division troop
convoy going to bivouac at Camp Drum on gravel roads.


Bud_Repeater = 448.200MHz output, 443.200 input, 114.8Hz PL
Secret Freq. = 147.435
Bud_Net      =   7.240    +/- QRM @ 1300 Eastern Time Sundays   Bud_Web_site = http://members.home.net/k1keg/Budpage/budpage.htm
--- The BUD_ROSTER ---
Official Bud_aliases in order of appointment:
Head_Bud  (ex KMG4435)
Budette Bud_Light               http://members.aol.com/ronfisher1
Bud_Heavy (ex 1W5718)   http://home.att.net/~k1otw/otw.html
Bud_Ice   (resigned)
Bud_Keg                 http://members.home.net/k1keg/keg.htm
 "                     http://hometown.aol.com/n1qdw/index.html
Bud_Classic             http://www.wa3key.com/top.html

Unofficial Bud aliases (wannabes) pending meeting of "the board":
Bud_On_The_Side (ever in memoriam)
Bud_No_Show (pending appeal)
Bud_Selectman (Ret.)

G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager)
KB1CLP (relative of Jim)
KB1EUU     "     "   "  K1AOI (ex 1W3439)       http://www.ox43m.com
K1TUU (Tech License lapsed)
N1BEU (ex 1Q3628)
N1GKI                   http://www.selfdefense.8m.com/
W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector)

Perfection:     *****           Billy's, Carl's Diner, Scales
Very Good:      ****            Good:           ***             Periwinkle's
Below Par:      **
Serious Flaws:  *               Friendly's, New England Pizza