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![]() ![]() 08-12-2001
*** HAMS NEEDED *** ----------- BUD NEEDS TWO ADDITIONAL HAMS NEXT SUNDAY THE 19TH TO PROVIDE COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE "CELEBRATION OXFORD" EVENT. For details pse e-mail Lee leecahill1@aol.com or contact on the air or at cell 508-889-3436. ........................... Monday 6 August 2001 Jim was heard tallying-ho off to Maine at 1003. Tuesday 7 AT&T reduced the otw ISP fee by $3 per month after being questioned when a lower price was mentioned in "Consumer Reports". OTW had difficulty believing that "it would have been automatically reduced in a month or two". At 4:47 PM in the peripheral field of the OTW right eye a brown streak was seen heading south - presumed to be the Mrs. Bud_Light Fisher. At the Selectmen's Meeting the microphones on the witness table were apparently switched off. In order to hear the folks seated there it was necessary to turn your tube's audio to 100% at which point a cough by the chairman or Mr. Bigwood nearly got the viewer up off his chair. Nobody on the Town payroll up there questioned this. Wednesday 8 0900, your Head_Bud was saying something about "8 kilohert" and "AZBILL" when his phone rang so was signed out. At 1013 Budette was spotted two rows away in the Shaw's parking lot getting into the Blazer having finished shopping already. Oxford dignitary Bernie Swarcz was greeted on his morning constitutional in the nice cool store. It was necessary to pay full price ($4.49) for Turkey Hill (imported from Lancaster County you know) this week so only one half-gallon was put into the buggy. Neighbors Phyllis Cunningham and at least three (3) members of the Brady Bunch were ahead of your editor at the cash register. Bud_KEG has reprogrammed the Bud_Repeater and plans to return it to the air on Saturday. Thursday 9 You might take a look at EGRET2.JPG; Bud_Classic got this fine closeup while aboard his tractor within 15' watching the bird feed, preen and even "take a dump". At 1103 Bud_Light Fisher reported being almost scared when he saw a big guy wearing sunglasses in a blue car looking very much like our ol' friend Marty. Bud has contractors working on the third floor with windows open. One 250-ton chiller is working at 88% of capacity. In high-tech this is known as a "design day", your editor learned. The temp is 96 here in Oxford. Bud_Classic reports pool-water temperature of 85 degrees and 84 upstairs in the house with A/C running. At 1255 Jim kinkdly asked if anything is needed at Shaw's and then going to dip in pond at Singletary Rod & Gun Club with 807 tasting planned for later in the day. Yesterday some "Post Office practice" was done on the shotgun range with positive results so marksmanship is "getting back". ISO (wonder what that means?) is calling for immediate reduction of air conditioner use this afternoon. Now this is when we need 'em; not in the winter. It was so hot that Bud burned his hand on his microphone. It was so hot that there have been no telemarketer calls for three days. On the 10 O'clock news a Ch.56 reporter goaded an emergency room physician to advise, "If you have a fan, turn it on." Friday 10 As relayed by the Head_Bud who is taking a 4-hour vacation today, the first field report from Bud_Buffalo follows: "At 10 o'clock the cold front is passing thru Buffalo." At ~1300 Bud_light is leaving for vacation in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. (In ten years Bud_Light you might equal the number of vacations taken by Marty.) Even Bud_Light found this morning's humidity to be oppressive altho one who does not mind high heat. At 1155 a turkey was seen grazing in the otw back yard taking 15 minutes then flying off to the west. It was not possible to tell if one of the IPG turkeys and Bud did not have ears on. The cold front arrived at 1245 dropping temp from 90 to 75 accompanied by a mild thunderstorm of extended duration with humidity remaining oppressive. 1530 Jim reports firing a friend's 1917 Enfield which is so accurate that he had to ask his son if the yellow bullseye was still there or shot out. Not surprisingly the Enfield was declared a beautiful rifle. The M1 was also fired with similar results. At this time Bud went on a "mandatory nap" after telling your editor to call out "Bud_Turkey" and see if the bird answers. At ~1540 the Olney girls left the premises in the rain driving the Ford soccer van which even has a wiper on the rear window. They are high tech. For the record they also are among the few moderns known to your editor who have a remote-control on garage doors and actually park their machines IN the garage. Saturday 11 Listening to Kim Komando (before she was trumped by the Red Sox) today it was learned that she does not understand "standby" due to being troublesome; she leaves the hard drive running constantly and turns the monitor off with the AC switch. For the record, here at otw even when going on "standby" by using the "Start" button the system occasionally wakes up in a fatal comatose state requiring a reboot. We have a cooler day with high of 80 but still quite humid. At 1517 Jim returned from an afternoon of trap shooting. At 1520 Bud reported taking President Dalton, his son who is a senior naval officer (specific rank was not divulged) and their wives on an IPG tour. Dalton, Sr. was a very good friend of Admiral Elmo Zumwalt who let Radarman Cahill grow longer hair. During the QSO your editor was ditched while Bud spoke on a telephone call. (It is doubtful that Mom Cahill taught such manners.) It was learned that during Bud's 4-hour vacation yesterday he installed a new lamp post in yard including pouring concrete in the rain. At 1930 the Bud_repeater returned to the air with a new PL of 131.8 Hz. Sunday 12 At 0700 WA3KEY Norm and WA3RXP Steve were enjoying breakfast of omelets and kosher dills in Manhattan's Carnegie Deli and stocked up on pickled herring at Sables Deli (see SABLES.JPG). The Bud_Repeater had an interference-free night as far as is known. The Keg Family is leaving on a FL vacation and photos are usually returned of their activities. All OTW cookies were deleted, even the bank's pair, and the browsers work just fine.. NOTE to HJC: What is the scoop Jerry? At 2:32 PM once again Bud passed you on the Old Webster Road at which time your ears were apparently not ON? Advice was needed on how to improve manners of Canada geese at IPG. Bud was unable to snake coax to the attic so the Eggbeaters will be enhancing the roof soon.. Budette thinks they are cute. Bud_Houston was just heard on the Bud_Machine. Don KA3EHP got his new HT programmed and checked-in also. .......................... Bud_Repeater = 443.200MHz input, 448.200 output, 131.8Hz PL RI rem. link = 147.425, 131.8Hz PL Callsign = WB3CUU/R Hardware = Motorola R100 Secret Freq. = 147.435 Bud_Net = 7.240 +/- QRM @ 1300 Eastern Time Sundays Bud_Web_site = http://members.home.net/k1keg/Budpage/budpage.htm --- The BUD_ROSTER --- Official Bud_aliases in order of appointment: Head_Bud (ex KMG4435) Budette Bud_Light http://members.aol.com/ronfisher1 Bud_Heavy (ex 1W5718) http://home.att.net/~k1otw/otw.html Bud_Ice (resigned) Bud_Keg http://members.home.net/k1keg/keg.htm " http://hometown.aol.com/n1qdw/index.html Bud_Oscar Bud_Classic http://www.wa3key.com/top.html Bud_Bark Unofficial Bud aliases (wannabes) pending meeting of "The Board": Budette_Keg http://members.home.net/dtroi57/JanaranFalls.htm Budette_Oscar Bud_On_The_Side (Silent Key Marty, Sr. ever in memoriam) Bud_No_Show (pending appeal) Bud_Houston Bud_Selectman (Ret.) Bud_Buffalo Bud_associates: G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager) KB1CLP (relative of Jim) KB1EUU " " " K1ACA K1AOI (ex 1W3439) http://www.ox43m.com K1BEL K1GIS K1JWL K1ODW K1TUU (Tech License lapsed) K1VSG N1BEU (ex 1Q3628) N1EDF N1FCJ N1GKI http://www.selfdefense.8m.com/ N1ROZ N1YUL N1ZCU N1ZSW N3CRP WA1DNZ WA1VVS WA1WPX W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector) KA3EHP W3SON --- The BUD_RESTAURANT_RATING_SYSTEM --- Perfection: ***** Billy's Burg-o-Rama, Carl's Diner, Scales Seafood & Ice Cream, Colonial Restaurant Very Good: **** Good: *** Periwinkle's, P&D Pizza Below Par: ** Serious Flaws: * Friendly's, New England Pizza ![]() ![]() |