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Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 08-26-01
Subject: Bud_Log for the week ending Sunday 08-26-01
From: "H. R. Worthington"
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 10:03:38 -0500
To: "The Bud_Log Subscribers List"

                          THE BUD_LOG

Monday 20 August 2001
Norm forwarded the attached BLFY3.JPG last week.
Don submitted a Four Star eatery and photo of his rugged mobile
mount PIC00004.JPG:
From the eats dead fish homestead.

Well I will take care of Bud_Light when I see him face to face.  I might
just have to tow his mobile unit with my mobile antenna mount(see enclosed

I would like to add another food joint to the growing list.  That is the
Chowder Bowl on Rt. 16 just before The Lodge.
I personally have had the fish & chips, Fried Clams and the wife has had the
fried scallops.  I would have to give it a rating of ****,  that is four

N1EDF out.

[Wait until Eats Deaf Fish gets a look at Bud_Light's Dodge
"mobile unit"!]
Susan Olney also submitted a restaurant review:
hi howie,knowing how you love to rate restaurants............cyn and I want to tell you of a great one.      Twin Oaks just off Route 12 in Sterling......take exit 6 off of 190 towards Leominster.......the beautiful gardens in the front gave us hope that this small,old fashioned building might be worth trying...........it was.........real tablecloths and napkins,wood floors and carpeting,tables not on top of oneanother and a nice view out back windows to a beautifully packed planter arrangement.............prices were under $10-17, add on salad was only $.95!!!.........we each had a yummy chicken dinner (there were many interesting and varied choices on the menu)...........the crowning glory was desert...........creme brule(warm custard with a strawberry and cream)   mmmmmmmmmmmmm     ......deserts were pricey but all homemade(13 different ones)........We'd  certainly go again when we're up there.
No sediment was found in the Allis-Chalmers float bowl but an
in-line filter will be installed as a precaution.
A hearty "tally ho" was heard from Jim setting out to ensure that
our U.S. Mail is delivered even though the legendary motto about
hail/sleet/rain applies to only route employees..

Tuesday 21
Lee spoke to the IPG geese and they were speaking along with a
European engineer, all in different languages.  Since the birds
were born at the IPG Lake it is "home".
At the Corn Guy, father of Miss Caissie, tomatoes and corn were
purchased and shortly rated "5 Ears".
The New England Pizza (rated in Bud_Log) is to be granted a Wine
& Malt License upon completion of its Italian restaurant format.
Its Attorney-at-Law Silverman appeared before the Board of
Selectmen wearing what could be a modern professional business
suit consisting of tan slacks, T-shirt and gold necklace.

Wednesday 22
Bud_KEG sent PHOENIX.DOC a Word document being a picture of a
one-stop Gun Shop/Post Office.
Jim alias Bud_Houston spent his day off at the 200 Sportsmen's
Club firing range with son and Earl firing an 8mm Mauser among
others.  In the evening he was at the Singletary Rod & Gun Club
trap range.  We learned that 10-gauge guns are "goose guns".  A
CD-ROM was written for Jim featuring George Carlin's "advanced"
study of language.
Your editor enjoyed two large tomatoes.  The Corn Guy's was good
looking and large but fell short of the flavor in that from the
garden of the Olney girls.  This incidentally was confirmed by
the bird-beak tracks found after it set on the back steps.  In
the heat of sauteing a summer squash and chopped onions, the
pepper shaker failed requiring that a new nozzle be fabricated.
Norm said the Allentown "Morning Call" was granted permission to
publish a KEY-photo of a Great White Egret.

Thursday 23
WB3CUU reminds us that the Bud_Repeater is on the air.
An engineer from Taiwan at IPG was telling our Head_Bud that the
goose is good eating. [Engineer might like to get a hold of "The
Boys" also.]
While watching a wildlife biologist explaining coyotes it was
considered not too bright the other day to eat the tomato probed
by a bird or more likely a resident chipmunk. (This is why wives
were created.)
Bud_Light delivered tasty tomatoes and zucchini squash to the OTW

Friday 24
While about to look for a 2x4 under Solomon's Porch your editor
opened the so-called door and was faced with a hanging hornet's
nest a good 1-foot in height and nearly that in diameter.  It is
scheduled for relocation on the first cool night.
2245 traffic on the OPD repeater: "Possible DK wandering down
Charlton Street, jumped into his vehicle and is on his way."
(Too drunk to walk maybe.)

Saturday 25
Bud's beeper went off at 0330 due to York chiller #2 not yet
perfected. Don KA3EHP checked in, stated to boil zucchini for five minutes
and then split without proper signoff heard.
The lend/leased midget Alinco DJ-S41 ran 9 days on its 3 Alkaline
AA cells and we know that otw is not a windbag.
On 40 meters Bud heard that catfish swim upside-down.

Sunday 26
It is nice to arise in the morning (by itself) and hear the good
ol' Morse Code ID of the WB3CUU/1 Repeater.  Our inimitable
trustee speculated that someday the government may rule CW an
illegal encryption.
Today's weather is so perfect that we'd like to keep it in a
WPX called for dinner at 1309 so your editor did not learn much
from the noisy Bud_Net today.
Mr. Naramore stated that the new female barber is all right.
Your Head_Bud drained the oil and added 4.2 quarts to the S-10
crankcase.  Today is Bud_Daughter Sue's birthday observance.
[Your editor has Hush Puppies older than that rugrat!]


Bud_Repeater = 443.200MHz input, 448.200 output, 131.8Hz PL
RI rem. link = 147.425, 131.8Hz PL
Callsign     = WB3CUU/R
Hardware     = Motorola R100
Secret Freq. = 147.435
Bud_Net      =   7.240    +/- QRM @ 1300 Eastern Time Sundays   Bud_Web_site = http://members.home.net/k1keg/Budpage/budpage.htm
--- The BUD_ROSTER ---
Official Bud_aliases in order of appointment:
Head_Bud  (ex KMG4435)
Budette Bud_Light               http://members.aol.com/ronfisher1
Bud_Heavy (ex 1W5718)   http://home.att.net/~k1otw/otw.html
Bud_Ice   (resigned)
Bud_Keg                 http://members.home.net/k1keg/keg.htm
 "                     http://hometown.aol.com/n1qdw/index.html
Bud_Classic             http://www.wa3key.com/top.html

Unofficial Bud aliases (wannabes) pending meeting of "The Board":
Budette_Keg        http://members.home.net/dtroi57/JanaranFalls.htm
Bud_On_The_Side (Silent Key Marty, Sr. ever in memoriam)
Bud_No_Show (pending appeal)
Bud_Selectman (Ret.)

G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager)
KB1CLP (relative of Jim)
KB1EUU     "     "   "  K1ACA
K1AOI (ex 1W3439)       http://www.ox43m.com
K1TUU (Tech License lapsed)
N1BEU (ex 1Q3628)
N1GKI                   http://www.selfdefense.8m.com/
W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector)

Perfection:     *****          Billy's Burg-o-Rama, Carl's Diner,
                              Scales Seafood & Ice Cream,
                              Colonial Restaurant, Twin Oaks
Very Good:      ****           P&D Pizza, Chowder Bowl
Good:           ***            Periwinkle's
Below Par:      **
Serious Flaws:  *              Friendly's, New England Pizza

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