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Monday 3 September 2001 Budette answered
phones twelve hours for the Jerry Lewis Telethon resulting in
$56 million contributed. A personal account follows:
To: k1otw@arrl.net
Subject: Re: Telethon From: BeanieRandy@aol.com
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 21:39:25 EDT
Hello OTW,
admit I am pooped, did a 12 hr telethon day today since hardly the
2nd shift showed so I worked 7 to 7. I did enjoy it however,
I got a $700 donation - everyone cheered.....
Count your cricket chirps in 14 seconds then add 40
and the resulting sum is your temperature according to Todd
Gross, ASM. You subscribers might take a look at POOL1.JPG for
a sight we do not see every day. This is the wall of the
Bud_Pool being transported to its new owner who resides two
houses west. (Digital photo submitted by Bud_Light Fisher,
Executive Officer.) A beloved pet dachshund was lost by Jay
and family today:
Subject: An old friend died today...... From:
"Jay" <n1gki@ziplink.net>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 20:41:13 -0400
An old friend
died today,
Abernathy (Abe) Corriveau/Dragon 16 December
1984 to 3 September 2001.
2145 - the Head_Bud has left the deck.
4 Bud had a "crunch day" which included time to get
food at New England Pizza and drive to Maxie's Auto Sales to
leave the Blazer then was returned home by trusty neighbor
Bud_Light. Later your editor was asked to define "crunch".
(Bud may have gone to debater's college.) Today is opening
day of the special goose-hunting season. When asked if
hunters were seen at IPG Bud replied, "No and if they were
they would be arrested." When pointed out that a
recreational police officer cannot bust, our quick-thinking
leader stated that the 1st sgt would have to be summoned. Don
KA3EHP was on the Bud_Repeater which was a considerable honor;
he was delivering take-out "food" from the New England
Pizza (rated in the Bud_Log). We did not hear any call
for ambulance response to complaint of cramps on Conlin Road
fortunately. At 2057 Bud_Keg checked into the Bud_Repeater
and Bud did not answer. Keg's pool is to be closed this
Wednesday 5 The beloved otw 15" monitor
took a Leroy and it cost 35 bucks too.. Pratt Trucking
charges 20 bucks to dispose of a CRT which must be delivered
to its facility. With its recent CRT Law the Great and
General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts rubs salt
in the wounds of him who has the misfortune of tube giving up
the ghost. While working on it the left lens fell onto the
deck since a screw fell out of the new "improved"
gunmetal-frame glasses. The .053 OD thread is smaller
than the standard glasses screw of course. While mowing
the lawn Larry Bedard stopped to visit astride a green bike
this time. At 2056 Bud__Keg once again failed to reach the
Head_Bud on the crossband link from Woonsocket. At 2215
Bud_Light shoved off for vacation in Myrtle Beach and instructed
your editor to "give my best to everybody". Zed
was wished "bon voyage" and asked to u/l a photo of
Strom Thurmond.
Thursday 6 At 0600 our Head_Bud
witnessed the 26-years-ago-discarded Russian booster
rocket/space junk entering the atmosphere over Delaware making
a spectacular display in the SW dawn sky. (Bud is high tech!)
The Worcester P.D. along with City Manager Hoover and D.A.
Conte are running another $30,000 gun buy-back deal citing
with figgers how much crime has been prevented by previous
efforts. How can the government "buy back"
when it never owned them in the first case, one wonders.
Questions will not be asked. There will be no
prosecutions. A so-called weapon in working order must be in
a plastic bag during the transaction and is to be transported
in your locked trunk. As perceived in liberal thinking,
we can see the relative evil of each class according to the
following rates of payment: Semi-automatic $75
Handgun $50
Rifle/shotgun $25 Poor Budette sumbitted the
following report:
To: k1otw@arrl.net
Subject: PUuuuuuuuuuuu From: BeanieRandy@aol.com
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 20:55:38 EDT CC: LeeCahill1@aol.com
The headbud had beans & hotdogs for
breakfast or something earlier. I am paying for it dearly
right now. Budette
Friday 7 Just before 1100 the sizable funeral
procession of Stephen Suklis IV passed by en route to St. Roch
Church led by a contingent of an estimated fifty motorcycle
riders and passengers some in white beards and some females,
mostly on Hogs. Flying from one machine was a large black flag
with a unknown logo in silhouette. At 1230 the same
procession passed by again en route to West Sutton Cemetery so
there must have been quite a ceremony. Bernie Swarzc was met
in the market, actually shopping for a change, and was pleased
to hear that Sgt. Baker is shipshape. The gentleman had a
large jug of cranberry juice in the buggy and was unaware that
Moxie is still available. BTW, WPX, the Belle of the legendary
WR1ACC 99/39 Repeater, likes Moxie. In the OTW mail was
the long-awaited invoice from TigerDirect.com postmarked 4
September in Miami however, one hates to suspect anything,
perhaps a bit tardy to include with the rebate application
which had to be postmarked prior to 1 September. By not
including the required invoice in the box with the product and
failing to respond in a timely manner to three telephone requests
by a customer could it be that Tiger's intention was to prevent
customers from qualifying for the rebate? Nawwww! Bud took
OTW on a nice ride (bumpy) around the IPG premises including
the goose pond and sand pit. The OPD traffic patrol just
stopped one Jose Jiminez and is checking the Puerto Rico
license. The young policeman obviously has never heard
Bill Dana pronounce the classic name. See 50YEARS.JPG to learn
how Oxford fixture Dave Naramore was honored for fifty years
of seeing to it that the mail goes through to Oxford
residents. One anecdote seems harmless enough to mention
to Bud_Log subscribers. In the 70's the Post Office
acquired a new breed of bean counters who insisted that the
carriers park their Jeeps and walk the long dead-end streets.
Well this measure did not sit well with our efficiency-minded
walking pride of Uncle Sam who drove down the streets and
backed out registering zero (0) mileage per street. The
article also contains a direct quotation from Phyllis.
Saturday 8 Product name: Pest-a-Cator Manufacturer:
Global Instruments Bud's new anti-mouse device is said to
"radiate a pulsating signal" from the neutral wire
of the home electrical circuitry; this is said to sound like a
jackhammer to the rodents and insects including cockroaches
within 2000 sq ft. It is not ultrasonic. It is
used by the U.S. military. So far two mice have
staggered into Budette's kitchen in a bad stupor such that they
can be picked up and relocated outdoors. Bud says they are
shaking their heads. A test was suggested to be run to
be sure that Attention Deficit Disorder is not sustained or
the animal rights activists could be on the case. At 1420
Bud reported two well-dressed men wearing white shirts and
ties and carrying a black knapsack heading south on Route 12
(Mormons). Bud_Light uploaded MyrtleBeach.JPG being on
vacation still. At 2045 Bud_Keg checked in and alerted us that
football season begins tomorrow. Keg has not watched
"Monday Night Football" for three years due to
Dennis Miller and did not respond when advised that Miller now
has a man's haircut.
Sunday 9 Our Head_Bud was
supervising installation of a high-tech floor today
nevertheless managed to appear on the Bud_Net. Tim Russert of
"Meet the Press" informed us that according to the INS
there are plenty of illegal immigrants in the USA other than
Mexicans: Mexico
2,700,000 El Salvador 335,000
120,000 Haiti
105,000 Phillipines 95,000
Russert feared that the minority groups of illegal aliens will
protest discrimination. Is this a great country or what?
.....Yakov Smirnoff The VVS Family of Dudley visited a while
this evening and presented a generous bagful of homegrown
peaches. We hope that they made it back home in the dark
in that old car from the 50's without an automatic
transmission, roof, straps or cell phone.
Bud_Repeater =
443.200MHz input, 448.200 output, 131.8Hz PL RI rem. link =
147.425, 131.8Hz PL Callsign =
WB3CUU/R Hardware = Motorola R100
Secret Freq. = 147.435 Bud_Net
= 7.240 ± QRM @ 1300 Eastern
Time Sundays Bud_Web_site =
--- The BUD_ROSTER --- Official Bud_aliases in order of
appointment: Head_Bud (ex KMG4435) Budette
Bud_Heavy (ex 1W5718)
Bud_Ice (resigned) Bud_Keg
Bud_Oscar Bud_Classic
Unofficial Bud aliases (wannabes) pending
meeting of "The Board": Budette_Keg
Budette_Oscar Bud_On_The_Side (Silent Key Marty, Sr. ever
in memoriam) Bud_No_Show (pending appeal) Bud_Houston
Bud_Selectman (Ret.) Bud_Buffalo
G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager) KB1CLP (relative of Jim)
" " K1ACA K1AOI (ex 1W3439)
http://www.ox43m.com K1BEL
lapsed) K1VSG N1BEU (ex 1Q3628) N1EDF N1FCJ
WA1VVS WA1WPX W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector) KA3EHP
Perfection: *****
Billy's Burg-o-Rama, Carl's Diner,
Scales Seafood & Ice Cream,
Colonial Restaurant Very Good:
P&D Pizza Good:
Periwinkle's Below Par: **
Serious Flaws: *
Friendly's, New England Pizza
