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Monday 2 June 2003 UMass
dermatology was visited in early afternoon where your editor
was told that the skin is dry (among other faults). A Rx
"oil" was prescribed along with an antibacterial
(amebicide) lotion for a lesion (which has gone into
remission) in a bad place. For the record your editor
had nearly terminal acne with oily hide which never really
abated until about the 6th decade of life - and now it is
"dry". The Bud_Mobile was spotted traveling south in
front of Brooks Drug. The distinguished person riding
shotgun, at first guessed to be JD, turned out to be
Bud_Trician. Head_Bud reported at 8:30 PM that by using a SSB
2-meter receiver and triangulating noise on the IC-756 display
he pinpointed noisy power lines on two Charlton Street poles.
Forty five minutes after a call to MA Electric a trouble truck
showed up and the gentleman went up in his bucket to find
faulty fuses. "You could put a Popsickle stick thru
them." Bud was thanked for forestalling a sizeable
power failure. A crew is to show up at 9:00 AM for
permanent repair. After considerable experimentation with the
two 500Hz filters, one in 2nd IF and one in 3rd IF, Bud has
determined that this is a "rich man's toy". "The
Boys" are well; Randall's ears were cleaned and poor ol'
Murph is "deaf as a rock". The hammock to be on
the porch is still on the back burner due to other priorities.
Uh, oh! It turned out that Bud's crew showed up nearer
9:00 PM. At 9:54 PM we underwent a power failure in center of
Town for which emergency generators and lights were set up
near The Hall. An otw gelcell had to power a scanner.
All heck broke loose. A child was missing. A
resident at Wrinkle City could not run the cordless phone.
Bud called on the cell phone and asked if he had done a good
job. He stated that the fuses were arcing too much for
live replacement. "They should not mess with my
radios." KEY and SON are probably proud of this
Pennsylvania favorite son. AC was restored in 21 minutes.
The Hometown Bank (where WPX is a charter depositor) is
reporting a fire alarm. Here is another restaurant review: To:
"H. Rumsfeld Worthington" <k1otw@att.net>
Subject: NE PIZZA From: "Susan Olney"
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 19:47:48 -0400
must add our
comments to NE PIZZA rating ...YUCK....we called in an
order on SAT at 3;30 ( hardly a busy time ) when we got it
home it was RATHER dark and less than tasty....seems they've
lost another customer Tuesday 3 10:25 AM. Dateline:
Oxford A caller from Orchard Hill Estates called 911 warning
of violence to take place in St. Roch's Church. Inside
the structure an OPD officer found three people in a prayer
meeting and no "pew-tis" on site. We do not
suppose that a resident of Orchard Hill (formerly Lapa's apple
orchard) might be inebriated, do we? At 1045 AM someone is
being given a ride home; the medical term 'ETOH' was
mentioned. The Board of Selectmen unanimously without
discussion voted to authorize Lee Cahill to operate Field Day
2003 from the site of the historic Huguenot Monument.
For the record, Field Day is an annual event falling on the
last weekend of June designed to test capability of emergency
communications by hams. There is plenty of eating and
socializing. Press and interested visitors are sure to
be welcomed at the Field Day site by the Buds. We have been
reminded that in the great tragedy 9-11 in Manhattan direct radio
communications saved the day when telephones had failed, when
the nearby Verizon building was severely damaged. The late
Selectman Bigwood would not have contained himself during the
Engineer's lengthy presentation; he surely would have taken
the floor and called for firing a Town employee who is not a
Wednesday 4 About 12.10, Lauri Carlson
(neighbor) rang the doorbell to tell JWL that a man had fallen
in the road in front of Phyllis Bugbee's house 12 June St.
JWL called the OPD at the long number. About 20 minutes
later they arrived at the scene to pick this fella up.
It was Dennis Meggs. Bud_Oscar take note pse: While
commuting to work at IPG (two miles) this morning an auto turned
in such a configuration that sunlight momentarily reflected
from its rear window into the eyes of Lee. Visors down and
sunglasses were not needed. BTW Bud no longer has to listen
to Cindy Campbell's traffic reports. At ~3:00 PM the
Project Manager and Chief Electrician (not certain of title
here) of IPG were in the N&J Donut Shop for a staff
meeting. 5:11 PM Buidling 1, IPG: door alarm. At 5:19 PM
the report of OPD officer follows: "I spoke with Lee Cahill;
door was opened by employee error." Written orders came
down from the Head_Bud to Bud_Light, XO (executive officer for
those Buchanan voters in West Palm Beach) to see to it that
grass is cut before Field Day. For the record, the OTW bats
are not 'corked'. They are still in the cellar available
for inspection. They are in same position as when put
away after the last baseball game behind Rene Lambert's house
during the frist Eisenhower administration.
Thursday 5 At
0800 Phyllis was at MRI on Park Avenue. At the Shaw's Market
the cart of Cecile and Armand Duso was rammed in a frozen-food
aisle as they intently were looking for something in a
cooler. She was offered a $5 coupon but was not purchasing
$50 in food. Only the $3 coupon was accepted by a sharp
young lady clerk. Always-cheerful Donald was at his post as
"bag boy"; he has been told before that Letterman
started that way. When leaving, Dave Moiles was spotted
across the parking lot wearing high-speed sneakers.
6 Today was D-Day in 1944 when Allied Forces launched the
greatest armada ever assembled in the attack on Europe on the
shores of Normandy. At 5:30 PM a great horn tooting
concert was heard on the street. There was WPX delivering a
birthday cake to somebody. The sight was poignant.
VVS take note: Before driving off WPX secured her strap before
uttering the motto: "Click it or ticket". Dave
Letterman joke: "Hillary Clinton has written a 600-page
memoir of her eight years in the White House - not bad for a
woman who when she was there had no idea of what was going
on. Remarkable!" Norm alias Bud_Classic is the
first known Bud to have streaming video working on a Web page.
Saturday 7 Aw shucks! At 10:00 AM rain is
falling on the 5-family yard sale in progress outside the
window here under auspices of the Olney Girls. Earlier
dignitaries Bud and Budette browsed the event in an
unconventional manner since Bud was preceding the Mrs. by ~100
feet (30.48 meters at IPG). Usually the hubby with hands
in pockets follows one pace to the rear however when in
markets is pushing the cart three paces back where he is
occasionally instructed to get out of the way. Bud had
telephone on belt but no beeper anymore. 1" of rain
fell today. The Olney Girls plan to re-run the yard sale next
Saturday or the week after.
Sunday 8 At peaks
there was only the faintest indication of a SSB signal at the
time of the Bud_Net. Head_Bud was not on deck. Bud_Light
presented fifty (50) Sony CD-ROM disks making a stock sufficient
for three lifetimes at the otw stage. Phyllis made a fine
roast beef dinner with ear of corn and was demonstrating that
she could do the polka with Eddie Bezjoinchezk (sp) if called
upon. Other than the paresthesia causing a painful
sensation when the skin of the thigh is touched she is back on
deck. This ham who was "Belle of the 99/39 Repeater"
sounds right again also so a great day! In the center, two
minnows-in-training pushed the big button setting off all-red
lights to cross properly in a crosswalk. This was reported to
the Head_Bud without confirmation or other response.
-------------------------- FOR SALE
WANTED --------------------------- Hallicrafters SX-115,
not modified Lee Cahill WB3CUU MickeyM311@aol.com
(Use fixed-pitch font to align
Bud_Repeater = 443.200MHz input,
448.200 output, 131.8Hz PL Remote link in Woonsocket, RI =
146.435, 131.8Hz PL Callsign
= WB3CUU/R Hardware =
Motorola R100 Secret Freq. = 147.435
Bud_Net =
7.240 ± QRM @ 1300 Eastern Time Sundays
Bud_Web_site =
--- The BUD_ROSTER --- Official Bud_aliases in order of
appointment: Head_Bud (ex KMG4435) Budette
Bud_Heavy (ex 1W5718)
Bud_Ice G0TZD resigned Bud_Keg (ex KAYF8482)
Bud_Oscar Bud_Classic
Bud_Bark Bud_Buffalo Bud_Trician (field commissioned)
Bud_Not "
" Bud_Hansa "
" Bud_HDTV "
Unofficial Bud_aliases (wannabes) pending meeting
of "The Board": Budette_Keg
Budette_Oscar Bud_On_The_Side (Silent Key Marty, Sr. ever
in memoriam) Bud_No_Show (pending appeal) Bud_Houston
Bud_Selectman (Ret.) Bud_Bank Bud_Baker
Bud_associates: G0EIR (DX subscriber in Alsager)
KB1CLP (relative of Jim) KB1EUU
" " "
K1ACA K1AOI (ex 1W3439)
http://www.ox43m.com K1BEL
lapsed) K1VSC K1VSG K1WGA (World's Greatest Amateur)
N1BEU (ex 1Q3628) N1EDF
W1COU (Marty, Jr.) W1HJC (Happy Junk Collector) (Requested
inactive status) KA3EHP W3SON
--- The
***** Billy's Burg-o-Rama
Carl's Diner
Scales Seafood & Ice Cream, Millbury
Colonial Restaurant, Webster
Twin Oaks
Wright's Chicken Farm, Nasonville, RI
Ronnie's Clam Shack, Auburn/Charlton
O'Connors Restaurant, Worcester
Bugaboo Creek
Oxfords Very Good: ****
P&D Pizza
Chowder Bowl, Webster
East Main Street Cafe, Webster
The Whistle Stop
Ethan's Pizza, Webster Good:
*** Periwinkle's,
Friendly's, Webster Below Par:
** Serious Flaws: *
New England Pizza