Gayle passed the Extra exam in 1982 and for some years was NCS of HF CW traffic nets.
She reads printed books with her Opticon and was proficient at navigating telephone
BBS's in their heyday. Not surprisingly the YL is on Internet E-mail. Regrettably she
is no longer able to operate ham radio however will write you an extemporaneous haiku
73 de K1OTW 12-01-98
It has been learned from a 03-21-05 newspaper article that three years ago when unable
to walk any longer Gayle moved to the Saint Mary Health Care Center in Worcester, MA.
No longer able to do e-mail she is busy writing haiku poetry, writing to former classmates
and teaching manual sign language to others in the facility. Welcome religious services are held therein.
The oak leaves that cling To their tree, are brave to stand Before wind's fury.